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Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

As we head into the summer months, we suggest you schedule your Spring Clean Check-up for your A/C unit. May is the perfect time to make certain your unit is in working order. You don’t want to get caught in a heat wave without A/C!

You’re smart by ensuring your heating and air units are checked out regularly (twice a year). It not only prolongs the life of your equipment by at least seven years and spots little problems before they become big expenses, but did you know it could also save your life?

Lately, the news has been filled with stories about carbon monoxide leaks killing people. Just last month dozens were sickened and one child died from a carbon monoxide leak in a pool heater. A father and his seven children were found dead inside a Maryland home. In Alaska, a teen was killed and seven others hospitalized from the carbon monoxide buildup caused by a boiler in the garage.

We hate to hear these stories because we know that often these tragedies could have been prevented with a simple check two or three times a year by a professional.

You see, with education and preventative maintenance, these deaths most likely would not have happened. Hearing these stories really pulls at our heart-strings and we certainly don’t want anything like that to happen, because there is a high probability of prevention. Whether you call us or have another professional checking out your furnace or plumbing, ask them to check your fuel-fired systems (including appliances) for leaks.

Testing for carbon monoxide usually takes as little as 3 minutes. If you don’t have one, we recommend installing a carbon monoxide detector. But just because you have a carbon monoxide detector installed doesn’t mean they last forever. The detecting components lose effectiveness after about 5 years and may not detect the carbon monoxide any longer.

Since you cannot see, hear, taste or smell carbon monoxide, a routine check is a small thing that really could save you and your family’s life. Be aware of symptoms like headaches, drowsiness, dizziness and confusion. Take precautionary measures to see if it could be something in your home that is making you sick.

We Offer Peace of Mind

We are happy to schedule your Spring Cleaning Check, but have you heard about our Peace of Mind Plan? Becoming a Peace of Mind member awards you the usual semi-annual cleaning checks on your heating and air conditioning units plus so much more! We handle the little things to keep your units and your plumbing in tip-top shape for a low monthly payment.

Often, little problems are ignored out of fear of how much it would cost to repair. Then, when that little problem develops into a HUGE mess our pocketbook really suffers! Peace of Mind members aren’t concerned by a confusing warranty for certain items in their home, but rather are assured with constant care of their heating, plumbing and air conditioning systems. Instead of hearing a clank, then hoping and praying that it won’t turn into something major, they are perfectly comfortable in calling us immediately to check things out because it’s included in their plan.

Peace of Mind is perfect for single parents, the elderly, or any busy homeowner. If you own your home, you owe it to yourself to have Peace of Mind.

Remember, a few simple steps and planning can help you prevent major trouble down the road and will be much easier on your pocketbook.

We wish you happy spring cleaning! Looking forward to hearing from you.

Happy spring cleaning!

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