If you are seeing light under your door, you are losing heat. There are often a few screws in the threshold you can adjust to close the gap.
Check Weather Stripping
If you don’t have weather stripping or it’s worn, consider installing. Weather stripping can help save 7-12% of your heat loss!
Mind the Gap
There can be a significant loss of heat through gaps around electrical boxes. Seal with an acrylic latex caulk. The caulk around pipes, cables, and gas lines can deteriorate over time. Inspect yours and replace if necessary with an expanding foam. This will also protect your house from mice entering looking for a warm and cozy home.
Space Heaters
Sometimes a space heater (while turning down your thermostat and leaving it alone) can save 3% on every degree you go below 70. This includes the cost of running the space heater.
Cover Those Windows
Use a plastic sheeting to cover your windows. This can save up to 14% on your heating bill! Locking your windows can help seal them, too. Also, close your curtains at night and open in the day for passive solar heating.
Air Seal Your Chimney
Drafts can come into your house from your chimney. Amazon sells a “chimney balloon” to slow or stop the flow of air out the chimney. Just make sure it’s not in there when your fireplace is in use!
Check Your Insulation
Have you checked the insulation in your attic lately? Heat rises. You will want to make sure there’s no easy escape route for it.
Keep Your Registers Clear
Don’t have furniture or holiday decorations over your heat registers which will block the heat coming out.
Use Your Fireplace
If you’ve had your chimney inspected and cleaned, consider setting your thermostat to a lower temperature and using your fireplace. You can save quite a bit, providing you have access to firewood!
Christmas is less than two weeks away! We hope you have wonderful friend and family gatherings and will be cozy throughout the winter. Remember, if something does happen to put a chill in your inside air, peace of mind is just a phone call away!
We’re here to serve you and help keep your home comfortable and efficient. We truly appreciate you. You can reach us at 417-866-8257.
We would love to hear from you! Drop us an email and tell us about your holiday plans!
From our family to yours, we wish you a very
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!