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Most of the time, the kitchen is referred to as the heart of the home.

For many, it’s considered the home’s hub because it’s the place where families congregate for purposes besides food prep.

Home is where the heart is | A & D Mechanical

Although we wholeheartedly agree the kitchen is an important room of the home because that’s the place where families come together and make wonderful memories, we consider your heating, air, and plumbing systems as the heart of your house.

The central core and most important nucleus of your house are the systems of heating, air conditioning, and plumbing. Without them, living conditions in your home wouldn’t be nearly as comfortable.

Think about it.
No indoor plumbing? Yikes!
No heat? Those cold mornings like we’ve had recently would be unbearable.
Come summer when the heat and humidity is so stifling, your house would feel like an oven without your air conditioner.

Thinking about Valentine’s Day and sharing the love and appreciation to those we care about, how about showing some love to the heart of your house? It needs tender loving care, too.

Here are some tips to care for your home’s heart.

Don’t overwork the heart:

Set your thermostat and forget it. We recommend 72 degrees. Moving your thermostat up and down makes your unit work harder to keep up with fluctuating temperatures. If you set it and forget it, you can also save about 5-10% on your heating or cooling bills. A nice bonus for your pocketbook.

Change filters:

Just like a healthy diet is important to keep your blood vessels clear of buildup, you should keep your ducts clear of dust and debris. So, change those filters on a regular basis! We recommended checking every 4 – 6 months. However, the number of pets inside your home can greatly affect how fast the filters get dirty. The more furry friends, the more frequently you should change the filters.

Open doors under sinks:

When the temps dip under 10 degrees, be extra aware of your water pipes. If you open the cabinet doors under your sinks, heat can circulate there. Also, turn the faucets on to a tiny trickle. This can keep your pipes from freezing and bursting. It’s a simple tip, but often forgotten. It can save you hundreds, even thousands in replacement of pipes and cleanup, not to mention avoiding the inconvenience and headache.

If you think your home’s heart needs a checkup, give us a call. Or when systems go down, remember we are here when you need us. We are happy to help keep your house’s heart healthy!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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